国外传感器网 > 产品发布 > siliconsensing简介----深圳市今创奇科技发展有限公司


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siliconsensing简介   - 总部设在普利茅斯,在英格兰西南部。 It is a gyroscope sensors and inertial systems engineering development and manufacturing company with a global presence.这是一个陀螺仪传感器和惯性系统的工程开发和制造公司,一个全球性的存在。 Jointly owned by Atlantic Inertial Systems and Sumitomo Precision Products, the company was established in 1999.大西洋惯性系统和住友精密产品共同拥有,该公司成立于1999年。 Silicon Sensing is a classic joint venture – building on the strengths of each partner to create a force that is strong in product development and strong in manufacture.硅传感是一个典型的合资企业 - 每个合作伙伴的优势,建设创造的力量是强大的产品开发和制造强烈。 Most recently (at the end of 2009) AIS was acquired by Goodrich Corporation and is now part of its Sensors and Integrated Systems Division.最近(2009年底)的AIS是由古德里奇公司收购,现在是它的传感器和集成系统部的一部分。
Silicon Sensing's inertial systems parentage can be traced back through BAE Systems Inertial Products to the Sperry Gyroscope Company founded in 1913, giving it access to a depth of expertise in the field of complex inertial systems and their deployment in real-world applications.可以追溯到硅传感的父母子女关系的惯性系统斯佩里陀螺仪公司成立于1913年通过BAE系统惯性产品,给它在复杂的惯性系统,其部署在现实世界中的应用领域的专业知识的深度访问。
Innovative MEMS gyro designs developed in the UK are fabricated in silicon MEMS at its facility in Japan.其在日本的工厂,创新的MEMS陀螺仪在英国开发设计制造硅MEMS。 Now, after eleven years in business, the company has established itself as one of the major players in the fast-moving market for automotive and commercial motion sensors and systems.现在,在业务11年后,该公司已建立在快速移动的汽车和商业运动传感器和系统市场的主要参与者之一。

型号 速率范围 模拟范围
CRG20-01 ±300˚/s ±75˚/s
CRG20-02 ±300˚/s ±300˚/s
CRG20-22 ±300˚/s ±300˚/s
CRG20-12 ±800˚/s ±800˚/s
SiRRS01-01 ±110˚/s  
SiRRS01-03 ±300˚/s  
SiRRS01-05 ±50˚/s  
SiRRS01-07 ±1,500˚/s  
SiRRS01-09 ±200˚/s  
CRS09-01 ±200˚/s <±3˚/s
CRS09-02 ±100˚/s <±3˚/s
CRS09-11 ±200˚/s <±1˚/s
CRS09-12 ±100˚/s <±1˚/s
CRS07-02S ±573˚/s  
CRS07-11S ±573˚/s  
CRS07-13S ±100˚/s  
CRS05-01 ±50˚/s  
CRS05-02 ±200˚/s  
CRS05-75 ±75˚/s  
CRS03-01S ±100˚/s  
CRS03-02S ±100˚/s  
CRS03-04S ±200˚/s  
CRS03-05S ±80˚/s  
CRS03-11S ±573˚/s  

TEL : 86-755-88262760/ 82029425
FAX : 86-755-88267240
Mobile: 13728789294 
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