INTL-SENSOR > Download > Eltrotec Line-Sensor MZS 2000 Multifunction Line-Sensor

Eltrotec Line-Sensor MZS 2000 Multifunction Line-Sensor    Tiem:2010/3/18 13:00:35    Count : 2462 times

100% control by:
complex quality task web position control
high number of pieces presence check
Line-Sensor MZS 2000 Multifunction Line-Sensor

function principle

gap with check

width control

diameter control

spoor control

sag control

Line-Sensor for measure and checking- tasks:

Line sensor are existing a long time, mostly the illumination will bring the user a problem. The MZS 2000 is a complete checking-system, the electronic and illumination are integrated in the M30 housing. 13° vision angle of the optic makes a measuring range of 150 mm to 500 mm possible. The integrated illumination is working best with a reflective foil. It is possible to switch it off to use other external illuminations. The sensor has 5 different programs, the principle is always to teach-in a minimum and a maximum value.
Program 1 is used if the width of an object in front of a bright background is to be measured. Program 2 is used if the width of a well reflecting object in front of a dark background or a bright gap between two dark edges is to be measured. With program 3 the position from object centers relative to the position of pixel 1 is determined. Program 4 and 5 is used whenever the orientation or the position of an object is to be controlled with transition from bright to dark or dark to bright. 4 LEDs are for controlling the brightness. 3 digital outputs, 1 analog output to round off the function range. Order your example today !

If you need higher resolution take the LineCam CCD-Line Camera for online check of colour and dimensions!

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Line-Sensor MZS 2000 Multifunction Line-Sensor
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