INTL-SENSOR > Books > Sensors China

Sensors China    Time:2010/9/7 14:20:37    Count : 1874 times
Sensors China

Feb Apr Jun Aug
        China's Vast Sensors Market
        Sensors are extensively across many industries, especially in the machine building, system integration, automobile manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, consumer electronics, communications, medical, processing automation, logistics, packaging and security monitoring, etc. The sensors in industrial electronic equipment and automotive electronics accounts for 50% of China market and those in telecommunication 25%. Sensors used in medical, environmental protection, meteorological and other electronic equipment occupy 10% of China market.
        The compound annual growth rate of automotive sensors is projected to advance 35% by 2010. The revenues of China automotive sensors market is expected to be USD1.05 billion in 2009, with estimates to reach USD1.49 billion in 2012. Demand for sensors in automotive safety and security systems will exhibit strong gains. In addition, automakers will be under increasing pressure to add value to their vehicles so as to differentiate them from their competition. The automotive market will be among the fastest growing and will continue to represent the largest market for sensors.
        Publishing Background
        In cooperation with, Sensors Online website by Questex, Sensors China provides readers with the latest information about industrial and commercial sensors technology, their applications in both stand alone products as well as completes systems, trends and case studies from all over the world. Readers are designers, R&D staff and manufacturing engineers who build a whole range of stand alone products and processing /assembly systems. They test, evaluate and purchase sensors and components that are built into their finished products and systems. Another reader segment, plant managers and engineers are responsible for the maintenance and smooth running of systems that incorporate sensors technology. Sensors China also facilitates faster communication between buyers and sellers with a comprehensive range of reader services in the magazine, online at, and through our fully interactive e-magazine.
        Quality Readers
        Published 6x a year in Simplified Chinese, Sensors China reaches a qualified controlled readership of 18,320 designer engineers, R&D staff and manufacturing engineers who test, evaluate and integrate sensors into products manufactured at their plants and/or complete processing systems, and also makers, distributors and integrators of sensors. Each subscription is requested in writing and qualified by name, job title and industry. Reader information is updated and re-qualified annually by our call center.
        Quality Sales Leads from ACCESS
        Ringier offers ACCESS, a unique reader inquiry system that helps buyers find suppliers fast. Buyer inquiries are matched by product code, producing real sales leads for advertisers. These quality sales leads are accessible online in a secure password-protected archive created for each advertiser. The inquiries are never lost.


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