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Renewable Energy Technology Forum 2010 - Solar PV industry seminar    Time:2010/9/15 13:49:48    Count : 2721 times
Renewable Energy Technology Forum 2010 - Solar PV industry seminar
Renaissance Shanghai Pudong, 2010/ 12/ 02 - 03
The exhaustion of natural resources is leading to the deterioration of the environment. Mankind has realized the gravity of the situation as it faces energy crisis. As a result, many countries strive to solve the problem by saving the resources and protecting the environment, but they cannot change the fact that mineral resources take a very long time to replenish, and the use of them is harmful. They can only alleviate the crisis to some extent.

The ultimate way to solve the energy crisis is to find clean and renewable energy. Judging from the current situation, solar, wind and nuclear energy are anticipated to become the dominant energy in the future. Except for the application in the mass power system, as it is much easier to apply solar energy to people’s daily life than the others. Thus, solar energy owns a broader prospect and market. With its wide distribution, cleanliness, renewability, and the adequacy of the technical development, solar energy will definitely replace the traditional energy in the future.


Conference Manager:Ms. Maggie Gu 86-21-62895533*123
Past Conference

Key Topics
  • Day 1: Solar cell’s technological development (Dec.2)
    Section I: PV industry developing situation and trends
    ● Global PV industry’s developments and prospects
    ● China PV industry’s policy analysis and investment opportunities
    ● Reducing costs and potential methods
    Section II: Solar cell’s technological development and prospects
    Parallel session 1: Crystalline silicon cell’s technological development and prospects
    ● Silicon material’s developing situation and trends
    ● Efficient low-cost cell’s fabrication technology
    ● Crystalline silicon cell’s light attenuation effect
    ● Crystalline silicon cell’s quality control and testing standard
    Parallel session 2: Thin film cell's technological development and prospect
    ● Domestic and international new advances in thin film solar cells
    ● The silicon-based thin film cell’s technological breakthrough and transfer efficiency optimization
    ● CIS, CdTe and other III-V compound thin film cell’s research and prediction
    ● Dye-sensitized solar cell’s practical application and industrialization research
    ● Thin film cell’s quality control and testing standards
    ● Thin film solar cell equipment's technological advancement

  • Day 2: Solar cell’s application (Dec.3)
    Section I: China solar cell's application situation and trends
    ● China solar cell’s market competition analysis
    ● China solar cell’s application in the new field
    ● Discussion about China PV industry’s environmental problems
    Section II:: Solar cell module’s technology and application
    Parallel session 1: Crystalline silicon solar cell module and applications
    ● New advances in crystalline silicon cell module’s testing technology
    ● Crystalline silicon cell module’s manufacturing technology and reliability analysis
    ● Research on crystalline silicon cell module’s optimized design
    ● Crystalline silicon cell’s application status and prospects
    Parallel session 2:PV grid-connected power system application——BIPV
    ● Global BIPV application situation and trends
    ● Research on thin film cell module’s technology and solutions
    ● Integrated design on PV modules and construction materials
    ● PV grid-connected inverter’s safety and reliability analysis
    ● The latest development on PV glass curtain wall

Conference Manager:Ms. Maggie Gu 86-21-62895533*123

Confirmed Speakers

Conference Manager:Ms. Maggie Gu 86-21-62895533*123

Support Media
  • Media Support

Fees: Registration with payment before September 30, 2010: USD 430
Registration with payment before October 31, 2010: USD 490
Registration with payment after November 1, 2010: USD 550
For four or more delegates from the same company, the fourth one will get a free entry. Delegate fee includes all seminar sessions, comprehensive documentation, 5-star hotel luncheons and tea breaks. Please note that accommodation is NOT included in the delegate fee.
Who should attend? By industry:
Solar cell manufacturer, Solar cell module manufacturer, Solar applied system integrator, Parts manufacturer, Raw material supplier, PV instrument supplier/manufacturer, Power company/Energy company

By position:
CEO, General Manager, Technical Director, R&D Director, Design Director, Product Manager, Purchasing Manager, Senior Technician, Specialists and Scholars.
Benefits: 1. The combined form of the main arena and symposium enables the participants to understand the technology of cell manufacture, module processing and the application trends more specifically.
2. Taking the solar cell’s technology as the standpoint from the cell manufacture, and the module processing to the system application, the conference involve the entire photovoltaic industrial chain. By the omni-directional vision, we will discuss thoroughly the developments and prospects of the PV industry.
3. Taking the solar cell's application in a new field, the conference will broaden each participant's horizon and fulfill them with infinite imagination and anticipation.

Renewable Energy Technology Forum 2010 - Solar PV industry seminar
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