INTL-SENSOR > Market Analysis > The Analyst Predicts that Micro Sensor Market will Increase 18.5% in 2008.

The Analyst Predicts that Micro Sensor Market will Increase 18.5% in 2008.    Times:2008/6/20 16:22:23    Count : 3201 Times

      According to the research of BCCResearch(Wellesley,Mass.) that in 2008 global total micro sensor market value will reach 3.2 billion USD increasing by 18.5% than that of 2007. And in 2013, it will amount to above 8.4 billion USD and CAGR will reach 21.3%.  

    BCCResearch divides micro sensor market into MEMS, biological chip and nanometer sensor, of which MEMS accounts for the majority market share and the total value in 2007 reached 2.2 billion USD, is expected to increase to 2.6 billion USD and 6.4 billion USD in 2013 with composite annual increase rate of 19.6%. In 2007, MEMS accounts for 82.8% of market share and is predicted to decrease to 76.5% till 2013. 

    The second portion is biological chip. Its total market value reached 665 million USD in 2007 and will reach 581.5 million USD in 2008. And it is predicted to increase to 1.8 billion USD in 2013 with CAGR of 25.6%. The market share of biological chip is predicted to increase to 21.6% in 2013 from 17.2% in 2007.

 It is predicted that there will be a large-size business sales for nanometer sensor after 2008 and till 2013 it will account for 2% of micro sensor market with total market value of 159.9 million USD. In 2007 MEMS     pressure sensor took the lead in all micro sensor market and the following are MEMS accelerator, biological chip, MEMS gyroscope, chemical, gas and thermal sensor. In 2007, automobile is the major application field of micro sensor with usage share of 38% followed by life sciences (32.3%) and processing industry (11.7%). Life sciences will be the largest terminal application accounting for 32.4% of the total market till 2013 and automobile will rank the second with 24.8% followed by consumer products with use accounting for 23.9%.

The Analyst Predicts that Micro Sensor Market will Increase 18.5% in 2008.
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