How to decide which accelerometer is right for your application, the following points may help you decide.
1. What input does your measuring system have? If you can accept pico-coulombs and milli-volts then you are free to choose any accelerometer. If however you do not have or wish to buy a charge amplifier, to allow you to measure the output of a charge type accelerometer then you must choose the IEPE type.
2. What are you trying to measure – will the mass or weight of the accelerometer change what you are measuring; if it might then you need a low mass accelerometer.
3. What is the likely acceleration level – if it is very low then you may need a sensitive accelerometer, at least 10pC per g. On the other hand if it is a shock input you will need an accelerometer with a low sensitivity if it is an IEPE type. Remember a shock or hammer blow can have a peak acceleration of at least 2000 g so a 1mV sensitivity in an accelerometer will immediately produces a 2volt output. If you have chosen a 10mV per g sensitivity this will mean 20V output and that may well overload your IEPE input.